Craniosacral Therapy Geelong

CranioSacral Therapy is a form of gentle, non-invasive manual bodywork treatment that seeks to locate and resolve any restrictions throughout the body systems. Limitations of the Craniosacral system can lead to tension patterns and affect the coordinated function of the bodily systems including musculoskeletal, endocrine, cardio-respiratory, immune and reproductive systems.

craniosacral therapy geelong

How does CranioSacral Therapy work?

Through various assessment methods, a CranioSacral Therapist can globally assess your body and CranioSacral system, exploring the “primary” restrictions or “root causes” of issues. Over time our body may compensate as a result of accumulative restrictions in order to keep us functioning well. When the restrictions are so developed and the body can no longer compensate well, symptoms emerge.

What does a Craniosacral therapy session involve? 

Your therapist will run through your history and whole story to understand your symptom presentation and commence functional movement assessment to review A session then typically entails lying in a position of comfort for the therapist to assess your CranioSacral system and perform gentle light touch techniques according to main target areas observed in assessment.  

Enquire Now

Phone: +61 408 145 185

4/130 High St,